Category Archives: 澳專新聞

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Important Notice

We, Australia Education Services Pty Ltd, terminated the collaboration relationship with Chengdu Ao Zhuan Education Consulting Co. Ltd on 04 February 2014. An official announcement was published on our website on 05 February 2014. This entity and its members/staff/business associates are refrained from using our corporate entity and making connections with us in its business dealings. Chengdu Ao Zhuan Education Consulting Co. Ltd was demanded to inform all of the clients recruited from its office(s), staff members or via its associates that the termination of relationship with Australia Education Services Pty Ltd, in particular it remains their sole responsibility to carry out any unfinalised services agreed with the affected clients. All the clients recruited via Chengdu Ao Zhuan Education Consulting Co. Ltd, its staff members or associates remain the property and responsibility of Chengdu Ao Zhuan Education Consulting Co. Ltd. It has been demanded to make timely arrangements to ensure the affected clients are handled fairly and adequately.

It has however come to our attention that Chengdu Ao Zhuan Education Consulting Co. Ltd, its staff members or associates might still make association with Australia Education Services Pty Ltd in its operations. Our company would like to take this opportunity to make another official announcement that Chengdu Ao Zhuan Education Consulting Co. Ltd, its staff members and associates, in particularly, Mr WANG and Mr XIN are not associated with Australia Education Services Pty Ltd and they are refrain from making connections with Australia Education Services Pty Ltd, its staff members, associates and alliances.

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澳洲急需技工和工程師 留學生因此成搶手貨?!

ManpowerGroup 的最新人才短缺報告顯示,現時澳洲勞動力市場需要補充的人才為工程師及技工。雖並不意味着有利於海外人士的簽證申請,但對留學生而言可算是一個好消息 。


ManpowerGroup 澳洲總經理Richard Fischer指出,此比例在9年的時間內有所降低。但同時亦表示因澳洲經濟前景持續向好,短缺的情况未來未必會有太大改善,特别是高速發展的IT行業。雖對有意移民澳洲的人士沒有實際的幫助,但可作留學生於選科時的參考, 或有助於畢業後留澳工作。


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大學納中國學生為高危 大學將降低招生比例?!

今日澳洲10月5日讯, 澳洲頂尖學府將准备降低中國留學生比例,在澳洲八大院校當中,以澳洲國立大學中的中國留學生比例最高。2016年畢業的國際學生中,中國學生的比例超过60%。


澳洲國立大學國際事務主任Anne Baly向費法斯傳媒表示,應對措施的主要原因是為了營造一個多元及國際化的校園環境。並認為國立大學不是唯一實行此措施的學校。她補充:「我們歡迎全球各地的精英學生,並認為多元化的學生主體對所有學生的益處很多。”

自七月一日起,移民局亦修改了對留學生的簽證要求, 對於學生的背景及經濟狀況等的資料要求更仔細。故有意於澳洲留學人士應於遞交申請前,清楚了解移民局及學校之要求,避免申請受延誤。


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移民詐騙頻生 謊稱將被驅逐出境 政府籲新移民及臨簽者提防電話詐騙


據澳洲競消委消息稱,自今年三月以來他們接到約300宗此類電話欺詐報告,錢財損失數額超過15萬。ACCC副主席裡卡德(Delia Rickard)警告,「詐騙犯將目標定為移民和臨時簽證持有者。






  • 如果你突然接到電話聲稱來自「移民局」或其它政府機構,並告訴你如果你不支付一筆罰金你將會被驅逐出境,掛斷它;
  • 如果你對某個聲稱自己是政府部門的人存有懷疑,那麼直接聯繫該政府部門。不要使用致電者提供的任何電話號、電子郵箱或網站,而是自己從其它獨立的信息源查詢,比如電話簿或網站;
  • 切勿通過電匯或其它方式匯錢給任何你不認識或信任的人;
  • 切勿將自己的個人信息、銀行賬戶或信用卡信息告訴電話那頭的人,除非你是與一個信任的人並且知道對方給你打電話的原因。如果你覺得自己給騙子提供了自己的信息,立即聯繫銀行或金融機構;
  • 小心移民和邊防部門的收費,確保你知道自己為什麼被要求付費,此類收費可上網查詢;
  • 了解你的簽證狀態和享有權力,移民和邊防部可能根本不需要聯繫你,如果你收到自稱移民和邊防部的人的電話,引起你的擔心,不要提供個人信息並結束通話。



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澳洲移民局(DIBP)表示關注到有偽造之網站流出, 提醒公眾於申請簽證、查詢有關資料必須確認所瀏覽之網站為。


資料來源:DIBP (

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10-year tourist visa trial set to start soon

After over a year of considering the lengthy multiple-entry tourist visa for Chinese visitors, the Australian Prime Minister has finally announced that a trial for the 10-year visa will start soon but neither the PM, the DIBP or DFAT have provided any details except that the trial will for the first time allow for tourist visa applications to be lodged in Mandarin.


The trial is expected to boost tourist numbers particularly those of return visitors to Australia. For years now the industry has complained of the inordinate visa demands, such as bank records and other documentation, all of which they say have made travel to Australia less attractive even to those have been here and inclined to return.


The Australian trial lags well behind the US, Canada and Britain which have already moved to permanent 10-year, repeat-entry tourist visas for the Chinese.


The Australian Prime Minister is currently in China with a 1000-strong business delegation looking to strengthen economic ties with a focus on tourism and education.


“China is Australia’s most valuable tourism market. More than a million Chinese visited Australia last year (and) contributed A$8.3 billion to our economy,” Mr Turnbull said at a function in Shanghai’s sprawling Expo Centre.


To encourage further growth, Australia will not only relax its visa rules but will also embark on a major tourism campaign. Mr Turnbull said, next year has been designated the Australia-China Year of Tourism. “Both our governments are working on a program of events in China and Australia throughout 2017 to promote the tourism relationship," Mr Turnbull said.


Government figures released in January showed a million Chinese tourists flocking to Australia over the previous 12 months, up from 100,000 just 15 years ago. Beaten in absolute numbers only by New Zealand, China is the fastest growing group with a total spending of A$7.7 billion (US$5.9 billion) last year.


Australia has launched a A$40 million global tourism campaign to help fill the economic hole left by a commodities downturn, targeting a growing group of Chinese holidaymakers who favour independent itineraries over traditional large group packages.


Tourism is among Australia’s fastest growing sectors, employing 500,000 people. Tourism Research Australia forecasts Chinese spending to double to A$13.7 billion by 2024–25.  The government forecasts the industry to rake in A$113 billion by June 2016, with foreign tourists accounting for one third.


Source: Migration Alliance

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School fee shock for SC457 Visa workers

Education Minister for South Australia Dr. Susan Close has announced that 457 visa workers earning a household income of more than $77,000 will have to start paying school fees of up to $6100 from next year, according to a report in The Daily Telegraph.


Now, the children of sc457 workers do not pay public school fees. The move brings South Australia into line with WA, NSW and the ACT.


According to the newspaper, for the first year, the new charge will only apply to people who arrive in SA from January 1, 2017. From January 2018 it will apply to all 457 visa holders living in the state, regardless of when they arrived.


The report states that any family supported by a 457 visa worker, with a household income of $77,000 or more, will have to pay $5100 per year for primary school students and $6100 for secondary students.


Explaining her reasons, the Dr Close said that it was ““fair to ask 457 visa holders who make a temporary home here to make a modest contribution to the cost of providing public education…The money will help fund early childhood education, which is one of the most crucial areas of our education system.


It is estimated the new fee requirement will generate more than $11 million in extra revenue for the state over the next four years.


Source: Migration Alliance

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Important announcement

Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa – closure of ACT nomination program to overseas applicants for 2015/16


The Australian Capital Territory is pleased to announce that program targets for ACT nomination of a Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa have been met for the 2015/16 financial year.


Effective 18 March 2016 at 4:00pm AEST, applications for ACT nomination from overseas residents will not be accepted. If you are living overseas you are not able to apply for ACT nomination of a Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa until the program reopens in July 2016.


Applications for ACT nomination already submitted before 4:00pm 18 March 2016 will be processed in queue order.


Canberra Residents

This action does not affect Canberra-based applicants. If you are living in Canberra and working in a skilled occupation, the program is open. You are still able to apply for ACT nomination of the Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa if you meet the current nomination criteria for Canberra residents.


Skilled – Nominated (190) visa

The Skilled – Nominated (190) visa is a points-based visa for skilled workers who are nominated by a state or territory.


You may apply for ACT nomination if you are: (1) living overseas; or (2) living in Canberra, subject to additional criteria as outlined below.


Canberra residents must be employed by an ACT employer in a skilled occupation and demonstrate you have lived in Canberra for three months prior to applying for ACT nomination.


International graduates from an institution located in another Australian state or territory must be employed fulltime by an ACT employer in your nominated occupation for at least six months.


You will not meet the ACT’s eligibility criteria for nomination if you are currently living in another Australian state or territory.


Please note overseas applicants who have lived or studied in another Australian state or territory within the last year may not meet the ACT’s eligibility criteria. If this situation applies you should discuss your circumstances with our team prior to lodging your application. Each application will be assessed on a case by case basis.


Please refer to the ACT nomination guidelines below for verification of limited or closed occupations.


Skilled – Nominated (provisional) (489) visa

Please note the ACT does not have access to nominate subclass 489 visas.


Source: ACT Government

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$1000 fee to fast-track visa

From today, Chinese nationals can pay an additional $1000 to have their visa applications for a Visitor visa in either the Tourist or Business Visitor stream, fast-tracked.


As part of a trial to speed-up visa-processing for those who need to travel to Australia on short-notice and can afford to pay for the priority-processing, the department of immigration has announced that it will start fast-tracking such applications but did not commit to a minimum processing timeframe.


The department of immigration says there is no regulatory requirement that the application be decided by a particular timeframe despite the promise of priority processing and accepting the payment of $1000.


“While the Department will endeavour to make a decision within a shortened timeframe, there is no guarantee of a faster outcome, as issues such as character and health matters may delay processing” noted the department’s explanatory statement for the Legislative Instrument – F2016L00295


If an application fails, the DIBP states that “No refund will be available unless the visa application charge is being refunded. Invalid requests for this priority service, for example applicants holding passports not specified under the Regulation, would receive full repayment of the AUD1,000 fee.”


The department said that processing times for Visitor visas, more generally, will not be affected by this service.


The instrument currently provides for passport holders from the People’s Republic of China who are applying for a Visitor visa in either the Tourist or Business Visitor stream. It may be extended to other countries. The Government’s White Paper on Developing Northern Australia recommended a number of key visa initiatives including this trial of a priority service for eligible Chinese nationals seeking to visit Australia.


Source: Migration Alliance

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The Benefits of Studying in Australia


Australia is one of the most popular study destinations for students all across the world. And for good reason, too, since Australian universities rank quite high among International universities and the Australian Education system is recognized internationally.


High Quality Education

There are 43 universities in Australia, many of them being in the top 50 worldwide rankings. Australian cities are also ranked among the best cities for education which means a degree from an Australian institute is going to look really good on your educational portfolio.


Qualified and Professional Instructions

Australian Professors and teachers are highly educated and equipped with the advance knowledge and latest developments in their respective fields.


Work while you study

In Australia, International students are allowed to work while they are on student visas. This usually helps them earn enough to cover the cost of living in the country.


Advanced facilities and Equipment

Universities in Australia are equipped with the most sophisticated and advanced equipment to aid the learning of students. From classrooms to laboratories, universities in Australia utilize the latest technological tools to make learning easier for their students.


Multicultural Environment

Australia is home to students hailing from a spectrum of cultural and geographical backgrounds, and so it is likely that you will be able to settle right in once you get here. Apart from this, you will also be able to make friends form different countries and understand their culture. This will prepare you for working as part of an international workforce and help sharpen your social skills.


Learning opportunities

Living in a new country, meeting people of different nationalities, class, and culture will teach you lots of things and help you grow as an individual. When you come to study in Australia, you are definitely going to learn a lot more than the course you are enrolled in.


Study anything you like

Australia has some of the most top ranked universities in the world offering a wide range of study areas including arts and humanities, medical sciences, Life sciences, engineering and IT, business and social sciences.  So, it is almost guaranteed that you will find the course you are looking for at an Australian university.


Beautiful places and lots of fun things to do

Australia is a beautiful country with lots of places to see and many things to do for entertainment on a budget. So when you have some free time on your hands, you could go out with your friends and have fun! Whether you are living in a large city or a small one, you are definitely not going to be bored during your stay.


Gain points for General skilled migration

If you wish to stay permanently in Australia after your studies are over, the fact that you have a professional degree from an Australian university will get you extra points for immigration.


Source: Migration Alliance