Category Archives: 澳專新聞

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APEC宣布,APEC商務旅行卡將從3年延長至5年,並從2015年9月1日起生效- 這無疑為亞太地區經常出差的商業人士提供了更加便利的條件。


通過一個單一的申請,ABTC將提供給真正的商人一個5年有效的、可以多次入境的短期逗留簽證以用於前往參與的經濟成員國以及APEC成員國主要機場的貴賓通道。該ABTC有效期的延長將有利於那些商務旅行者- 他們將不必頻繁申請新卡,從而減少了處理時間。



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旅客和客戶 – 2015年8月4日和3日中斷服務






擬議的企業協議已經發給員工,並且將付諸表決,而且被Australian Government Public Sector Workplace Bargaining Policy批准和保護。

CPSU members will participate in a further stoppage of work:

Across Australia (except Brisbane and Northern Territory) – 8.30 am to 12.30 pm on 3 August 2015

Brisbane – 8 am to 12 pm on 3 August 2015.

Additional stoppages will also occur at international airports (local time):

3 August 2015
New South Wales

  • Sydney International Airport – 6 am to 10 am and 8 pm to 12 am


  • Melbourne International Airport – 7 am to 11 am


  • Brisbane International Airport – 6.30am to 10.30 am and 5 pm to  9 pm
  • Gold Coast Airport – 6 am to 10 am and 3 pm to 7 pm
  • Cairns International Airport – 4 am to 8 am and 4 pm to 8 pm

South Australia

  • Adelaide Airport – 4.30 am to 8.30 am and 7 pm to 11 pm

Western Australia

  • Perth Airport (International terminal) – 5 am to 9 am

Northern Territory

  • Darwin Airport – 4.30 am to 6.30 am

3 – 4 August 2015

  • Melbourne International Airport – 9 pm on 3 August to  1 am on 4 August

Western Australia

  • Perth Airport (International terminal) – 9 pm on 3 August to  1 am on 4 August

Source: DIBP

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Partner visa cancellations and refusals set to rise under the new data-matching investigations

In the last three years some 750 partner visas were cancelled. This number is set to rise with the launch of data-matching program by the departments of immigration and human services.  Immigration and Human Services combined their respective customer databases to help uncover various types of fraud including those by couples who have lodged or been granted partner visas.

The system aims at identifying those taking welfare payments as singles, despite sponsoring overseas partners and will be looking at grants and applications from the years starting from 2012. DIBP granted 47,752 partner visas in the program year ending 2014.The biggest source nations were China, India, Britain, the Philippines, and Vietnam. These grants and other applications are now being checked against roughly seven million unique records in the Centrelink database. According to figures reported in the Herald Sun, in the last three years about 750 such visas have been cancelled for breaches of conditions, such as making bogus claims, providing incorrect information, and being of bad character.

Immigration and Border Protection Minister Peter Dutton said that the joint data-matching operation would detect partner visa frauds.

“Last year, my department identified an increase in the number of allegations relating to the facilitating of contrived marriages,” he said adding, “This data-matching program is part of a whole-of-government approach to fraud detection and prevention…“People who deliberately take advantage of Australia’s welfare and migration system will be caught.”

A report in notes that under the Privacy Commissioner’s data matching rules, Immigration and DHS have to make the specifics of their data matching program public before it kicks off. The dataset will include all applicants for partner visas and their sponsors across the years 2012-13 to 2013-14.

Source: Migration Alliance

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Australia’s ‘X factor’ revealed

What makes Australia the preferred destination for Chinese Travellers?

A survey of 3,000 Chinese international travellers by the accommodation booking website has found that more holidaymakers from China want to go to Australia over the next year than anywhere else. This is important news for Tourism Australia. The number of Chinese tourists in Australia surged some 19% over the last year, and they spent about AU$6 billion during their stay making them one of the most important markets for tourism, says Tourism Australia (TA) managing director John O’Sullivan.

Tourism Australia’s aim is to attract over 1 million Chinese visitors and see them spend at least AU$13 billion each year, by 2020.  Given the latest figures, Mr O’Sullivan is confident it’s on track to do that.

“Over the last four years the Chinese market has been our fastest growing source of visitors to our country as well as the fastest growing in terms of value", O’Sullivan told a tourism trade show in Shanghai citing that Chinese market has been (growing) at 18 percent on average in terms of both number of visitors and how much they spend in Australia. “Within the next two or three years, China will be our number one market in terms of number of visitors, as well the amount of money that Chinese visitors spend in Australia."

In his eyes, the recently signed Tree Trade Agreement between the two countries has opened new opportunities. One is a 10-year multi-visit visa to be introduced for Chinese tourists from next year. Another is 5,000 holiday working visas a year as Australia grants, mainly to young backpackers, from many other countries.  TA is also partnered with 5,000 Chinese travel agents, and has a marketing budget targeting China. Most recently, TA teamed with Chinese ecommerce company Alibaba to promote independent travel to Australia. O’Sullivan said entering a partnership with Alibaba is a coup for Australia. “I think the world has been astounded by the success of the Alibaba story, so for us it was a really important partnership," he said.

Explaining the Chinese affection for Australia,’s regional director Katherine Cole told the ABC that “Australia ticks all the boxes when it comes to what Chinese travellers are looking for in a holiday destination, and those top things are safety, historical and heritage sites as well as cuisine."  However, the study found that Australia has an additional winning factor over those other destinations – what it terms “the power of g’day" – which is that Australia is rated the most welcoming country towards Chinese visitors.  Aside from friendly locals, Ms Cole says hotels are increasingly going out of their way to make Chinese visitors feel welcome.  “In a lot of cases, hotel chains are putting in Mandarin-speaking staff, or providing the Chinese newspaper, translating menus, ensuring that Chinese breakfast is available as 95 per cent of Chinese actually eat in hotel when they travel," she said.

Source: Migration Alliance

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目前,大約有3000名退休簽證的持有人無權拿到澳大利亞的永居簽證,無論他們已在澳大利亞住了多久。據BERIA的媒體發布,一個針對退休簽證持有者的自願組織估計,它的許多成員已經在這里居住了很長的一段時間,其中至少有100名退休者已經在此居住了20多年。 BERIA政策顧問David Humphries說,BERIA正在發起一個直接請願活動,要求政府允許已經在澳大利亞居住了至少10年的退休簽證的持有者申請永久居留權。

“我們相信這是一個合理的請求,”他說“完全符合澳大利亞’公平性’的精神”。 Hump​​hries先生說BERIA已經努力了8年,但僅僅從政治的兩端得到了退休簽證持有人會被給予永居簽證的保證。 “但是現在我們並沒有比8年前更加接近實現永久居留權。政客們一直都願意給予口頭上的支持,卻不願採取行動,”他說。


410類別已經被405類別的投資者退休簽證所取代,405類別簽證授予那些55歲以上的,投資澳幣75萬元於澳大利亞的一個州的人們一個為期4年的可以被更新的簽證- 只要他們有私人醫療保險以及6萬5千澳元的年純收入。就像已經關閉的410類別簽證,405類別簽證沒有為永久居留權提供任何途徑。



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該報告指出,有一個普遍意識的增長,那就是我們必須超越GDP和經濟數據來得到一個更全面的關於社會運作的了解。要用放大鏡一樣的眼光去看人們是怎樣活出他們的生活的- 這一點至關重要。


該報告使用了9種測量:教育、就業、收入(按購買力平價衡量來糾正不同國家生活費用的差異)、安全、健康、環境、公民參與、無線網絡和住房。針對該報告,紐約時報的一篇文章稱讚堪培拉是一個可以輕鬆生活的地方,該文章說“在地圖上在很下面的位置但是卻遠遠高於他們”。根據紐約時報所計算的平均值,澳大利亞首都領地在區域中排名第一。 5個澳大利亞的州也分別排名前10位。




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澳大利亞計算機協會(ACS)和德勤經濟的一份最新報告顯示,信息與通訊技術(ICT)的畢業生數目從2000年開始穩步下降- 顯然澳大利亞的年輕人們失去了對技術領域的熱情。如果這個趨勢持續下去,未來六年可以看到技術領域的穩步增長和對ICT的業務需求而導致的對海外ICT工人的需求。

澳大利亞的ICT行業僱用的工人大約有60萬名。有趣的是,澳大利亞對ICT工人的最大雇主之一是移民局(DIBP),他們大約有1600名ICT員工。然而,報告指出,即便是DIBP也覺得僱到所需的ICT工人是件難事。 “對於組織內部所需的技術技能來說仍有一些空缺”。

隨著政府吸收大量的ICT工人和矽谷公司提請最好的本土畢業生,已經在超過十年的時間裡私營企業只能從海外招收ICT工人來填補差距。 ACS指出,澳大利亞沒有創造足夠​​多的畢業生來滿足業務需求,這已經成為一個巨大的問題,迫使企業轉向海外技術工人來滿足業務的需求。很有可能在未來的幾年,工人將嚴重短缺。




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“一旦程序開始,你將得不到來自他們的任何回應”,北領地的澳大利亞酒店協會首席執行官Des Crowe告訴ABC。 “在去年它剛剛推出的時候我們是非常熱情的,但是一路來在過程中我們遇到好多難點,”除此之外,例如拼寫錯誤等的一些失誤很可能使申請無效。他說,與DIBP的工作交往中有很多“重大問題”。

他說,當需要與移民局進行工作交往時,簡直會被繁文縟節弄瘋掉。儘管使用RMA,他告訴ABC說申請工人和滿足文件的要求的過程是非常辛苦的。北領地商會首席執行官Greg Bicknell說,DAMA項目是發展北部的關鍵,但是企業們有很多的“圈”要跳過。

“他們必須對當地勞動力市場進行測試。他們必須拿出本地培訓的經費成本。再有就是工人的技能有待驗證,”他說。他說對於只有幾名辦公室人員的“小型動態企業”來說文書工作可能是過於繁重了,並且可能會用上好幾個月。 “目前在北領地找到合適的工人非常困難。我們需要一個龐大的人口數量,以維持更好的商業發展。”



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PY Poster

職業年課程(Professional Year Programme)簡稱PY,是澳洲政府批准的為畢業後的國際留學生設立的職業培訓課程,主要幫助就讀Accounting/ IT/ Engineering專業的留學生更容易找到與專業相關的工作。另外,為計劃技術移民的留學生帶來重要的5分加分,並幫助會計和IT學生完成技術移民必備的職業評估。








現在和澳專預約移民留學諮詢,還有更多驚喜哦。聯繫電話:9654 3409 地址: LEVEL 4, 258 Little Bourke, Melbourne