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ADDED – Panel beaters and Cabinet makers

REMOVED – Urban and Regional planners, Dentists and Dental specialists

Joint media release – Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection and Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham, Assistant Minister for Education and Training


Panel beaters and cabinet makers will be added to the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) for independent skilled migration applicants, the Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash and the Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham, announced today.


Minister Cash said the new occupations on the SOL reflect that there is a gap between the skills of Australians and the work that needs to be done.


“Cabinet makers and panel beaters make a valuable contribution to the Australian economy. Migrants with these skills will enhance the size and skill of the Australian workforce,” Minister Cash said.


“Skilled migrants complement locally trained and skilled workers, help to create new jobs and contribute to the communities in which they live and work. The Government’s $6 billion annual investment in vocational education and training is also supporting our training system to offer a pipeline of local talent to help address skills shortages,” Senator Birmingham said.


The SOL was updated based on the findings of a review of Australia’s labour market and education and migration data by the Department of Industry and Science. The review also considered submissions by industry, unions, trade and professional organisations.


The SOL applies to independent points based skilled migration (skilled migrants not nominated by State or Territory Governments), Family Sponsored visa applications and Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa applicants in the Graduate Work stream. Occupational ceilings are set for each occupation on the SOL to limit the number of migrants under each occupation in this part of the migration programme.


Other key changes to the SOL include the removal of urban and regional planners, dentists and dental specialists. Additional occupations have been flagged for close review in next year’s process.


The new SOL comes into effect on 1 July 2015. It will be used for applications made from that date.


Source: DIBP

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Nurses, teachers and engineers targeted for removal from skills list?

The first review of skills list in three years began last week, with calls to remove specific skills from the Consolidated Skills Occupation List (CSOL).


Australian Council of Trade Unions president Ged Kearney who is the only union representative on the Ministerial Advisory Council on Skilled Migration (MACSM) told The Australian that the list did not look at shortages.


“There is no rhyme nor reason for why particular occupations are on the list, and many, such as nurses, teachers, engineers and a number of trades occupations, should be removed,” she said.


MACSM advises the government on visa and policy settings to optimise the contribution of skilled migration to Australia’s productivity and economy. In effect, it determines the occupations on the skills list by advising the government which to add and which to remove.


Opposing Ms Kearney’s view was Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry director Jenny Lambert, who said the CSOL list should not be shortened as it allowed for business and regional differences.


“The list needs to be responsive,” she said.


Ms Lambert said the CSOL review needed to take an evidence-based approach that examined the locations and professions with high uptakes of 457s.


“Just changing the list doesn’t do anything,” she said.


“It’s critically important that MACSM doesn’t look to make CSOL some sort of shortages list.”


Ms Lambert said the mobility of the Australian workforce was definitely an issue that contributed to the need for 457 visas.


Strong ties to family and friends, and the size of Australia, made mobility a “formidable” problem, she said.


“One of the most significant myths is that skilled trades are at risk,” she said.


Ms Lambert said that most of the people granted a 457 visa were professionals.

She said rather than migrants taking jobs from Australians, a well-balanced migration program generated jobs.


“If you start fiddling with the occupations of the CSOL, you will lose … responsiveness to individual businesses and regions.”


The MACSM panel had a major overhaul recently with three union leaders dumped from the panel leaving only the ACTU head to lead the union charge.


The Australian Industry Group chief executive Innes Willox is the panel’s chair. He warned that past discussions on 457 workers were destructive and there is a need to move on:


“We need to shift the debate,” he said. “We had a rabid debate through 2012-13 on the whole issue of skilled migration and we need to shift the agenda a bit to have a holistic view around skilled migration’s role in the overall skills mix, how it fits in with the training agenda and what the needs of business are, both in the short and long term,” he said.


Source: Migration Alliance

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Investing in Australia’s future – Changes to business and investment migration

The Business Innovation and Investment Programme (BIIP) was created to attract high quality investors and entrepreneurs to Australia. It currently includes the Investor visa, the Business Innovation visa, and the Significant Investor visa (SIV). From 1 July 2015 it will also include the Premium Investor visa (PIV).


On 15 May 2015, the Minister for Trade and Investment, the Hon Andrew Robb AO MP and Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Senator the Honourable Michaelia Cash announced the new complying investment framework for the SIV and PIV. In order to be granted a SIV or a PIV, an applicant will need to make an investment that complies with the complying investment framework.


The framework is designed to encourage investment in innovative Australian ideas and emerging companies. You can view the media release and details on the new framework


Along with the new complying investment framework, the government intends to make a number of changes to the BIIP from 1 July 2015.


New flexible residency arrangements will be introduced for the SIV. From 1 July 2015, eligibility for the permanent SIV will require either the primary applicant to reside in Australia for 40 days per year OR the secondary applicant (spouse or de facto partner) to reside in Australia for 180 days per year. This residency requirement will be per year and will be calculated cumulatively over the period of the provisional visa. For example, 160 days over four years for a primary applicant or 720 days over four years for the secondary applicant (spouse or de facto partner).


Also from 1 July 2015, Austrade will become an eligible nominator for the SIV, in addition to State and Territory governments. Austrade will also be the sole nominator for the PIV.

Aside from changes to the SIV and the PIV, there are two changes that apply only to the Investor and Business Innovation streams. These are:

  1. The reintroduction of role swapping, which will allow a secondary applicant to apply to fulfil the primary criteria for the permanent visa on behalf of the primary applicant
  2. The reduction of the pass mark for the points test from 65 to 50 points.


Source: DIBP

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Will Australia allow a 6-year post study visa?

It’s time to review post study work arrangements in Australia as the US Senate considers a proposal to extend post-study work rights in the US to up to six years for science-based international students. If the Senate approves the proposal, then Australia’s ability to attract quality students could be devastated, according to a report in The Australian.


International student numbers are at a high in Australia with the low Australian dollar and the streamlined visa processing system. But post study work arrangements for students remain limited and could become a key difference to students shopping for an overseas education.


If approved, the US plans would allow students with science, technology, engineering and maths degrees to stay in the US for three years if they hold a bachelors degree and another three years if they have a postgraduate qualification.


“If this policy takes off, it will seriously hinder and even undermine Australia’s capacity to recruit good quality student,” Phil Honeywood, executive director of the International Education Association of Australia told The Australian.


“Every time Australia thinks it’s hit the sweet spot on international education enrolments something unexpected seems to happen. No one would have thought the sleeping giant of the (US) market would have awakened so quickly to its potential.”


Speaking to The Australian, Mr Rahul Gandhi, an education consultant based in Ahmedabad, India, said such a change would dramatically change the flow if Indian students.


“The Indian (student) market is driven by the post-study work opportunities in the destination country. For an Indian family an overseas degree is a huge investment. There are many who mortgage their homes and take out a loan from the bank to send their kids overseas. Hence, return on investment does matter and post-study work is indeed the driving force for taking a decision to study in that country.


“Within six years the student can easily recover that investment in education and will also have suitable work experience to venture on their own back in their home country or to apply for residency (in) an overseas country.”


Mr Gandhi said about 225,000 Indians went overseas each year for study, with 85,000 going to the US and 30,000 to Australia.


“This proposal … will certainly give the American university an edge in recruiting students from India,” he said.


Source: Migration Alliance

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Simplified International Student Visa Framework (SSVF)

A simplified international student visa framework (SSVF) has been announced jointly today by the Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Senator Cash and the Minister for Education and Training Senator Pyne. The new system will come into place after June 2016.


The SSVF will replace both the Streamlined Visa Processing (SVP)arrangements and the current Assessment Level Framework and will apply to all international students.


It will lay out a student’s financial and English language evidentiary requirements based on two things: the immigration profile of the student’s country of citizenship and of their education provider.


The improved approach to the administration of student visas as part of the SSVF will have clear benefits. The overall integrity of the student visa programme will be maintained, and the improved regulatory arrangements will avoid placing unnecessary burden or cost on education providers.


A working group with international education sector stakeholders is being formed to guide implementation of the new framework on the expiry of SVP arrangements on 30 June 2016.


Source: Migration Institute of Australia

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Attention All Accounting Student!! NEW CRITERIA!

Attention All Accounting Student!! Effective from 1 July 2015, migration assessment criteria of Accounting and External Auditors will be changed! If your application is to be received on or after 1 July 2015, whether it’s for a Skills Assessment or Review application, you will be assessed against NEW CRITERIA!

For those who have already received a positive outcome for a Full-Skills Assessment, CONGRATULATIONS! – No matter you have started the EOI or PR visa application or not, you can relax and maybe have a drink, as long as your assessment outcome is still under its validity.

BUT – WHAT IF YOU HAVE NOT YET RECEIVED A POSITIVE SKILLS ASSESSMENT OUTCOME?? You may be a fresh graduate, a Subclass 485 visa holder – to put into simple terms, if the core knowledge areas you have completed do not satisfy the NEW criteria, then you have to catch up the “relevant subjects” before the completion of your PY or obtaining IELTS score of 7 in each band.

THE GOOD NEWS IS – such changes to the assessment criteria indicate that Accounting might still well be on the SOL for the next financial year – so don’t panic, contact AES right now, and we will make things happen:

  • If you are not sure whether you have completed all the core knowledge areas under the NEW criteria, simply drop by AES, our professional consultants will do the checking for you ON THE SPOT;
  • If you have recently completed PY or obtained IELTS score of 7 in each band, call AES, we will prepare & submit the Full Skills Assessment application right away for you;
  • If you cannot make the application before 30 June 2015, don’t worry, contact AES for a FREE initial consultation, our professional team will help you to catch up the “missing subjects” via the QUICKEST & MOST ECONOMICAL pathway!

Please see below detail articles

Changes to Migration Assessments – Accountants and External Auditors

Our contact details are:

Level 4, 258 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne (Opposite Chinatown ANZ bank)

Phone: (03) 9654 3409

Mobile: 0433 451 711


Together We Create Miracle!


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Changes to Migration Assessments – Accountants and External Auditors

Changes to the assessment criteria will be implemented with effect from Wednesday 1 July 2015. The total number of core knowledge areas will be consolidated to nine (9) from the current twelve (12).

Pre-July core knowledge areas   Post-July competency areas
 Accounting Systems and Processes  Accounting Systems and Processes
 Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting and Reporting * including both Financial Accounting & Accounting Theory
 Accounting Theory
 Management Accounting  Management Accounting
 Finance  Finance
 Audit and Assurance  Audit and Assurance
 Commercial Law  Business Law * including both Commercial Law and Corporations Law
 Corporations Law
 Taxation Law  Taxation Law
 Accounting Information Systems  Removed – no longer required
 Economics  Economics
 Quantitative Methods  Quantitative Methods


Candidates must meet at least seven (7) core knowledge areas, with the exception of External Auditors and Taxation Accountants, who must meet at least eight (8) as outlined in the table below.

Core Knowledge Areas 


















Accounting Systems and Processes compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory
Financial Accounting & Reporting compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory
Management Accounting compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory
Finance compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory
Audit & Assurance optional optional optional compulsory optional optional
Business Law compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory
Taxation Law optional compulsory*Australian Taxation Law optional optional optional optional
Economics compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory
Quantitative Methods compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory compulsory


The Degree and English language requirements will remain unchanged.


All applications received on or after Wednesday 1 July 2015 will be completed under the new criteria.


If you have already received a positive assessment outcome from Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, your assessment remains valid and these changes will not affect you.


If you have received an assessment outcome from Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and have been advised to complete further studies to meet the core knowledge criteria, you will need to consider the new competency areas when choosing your study plan.


Source: Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand


Please contact us for further information and consultant Tel: (613) 9654 3409

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DIBP Polio and Visa Application Update

Visa applicants who have spent 28 days or longer in Afghanistan, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia or Syria, or in any combination of these countries, on or after 5 May 2014 should provide a vaccination certificate as evidence that they have been vaccinated against polio if they are applying for a visa from outside of Australia. This is in response to the World Health Organization’s declaration of polio as a public health emergency of international concern.


For further information see:


Source: DIBP

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NSW set to introduce special 5-year SHEV work visa

Australia’s most populated state has become the first one to sign up ‘in-principle’ to the Safe Haven Enterprise Scheme (SHEV) which will give asylum seekers an alternative to the Temporary Protection Visa, with a five-year option to live and work in regional NSW, according to a media statement by NSW Premier Mike Bard.


Currently there are an estimated 32,000 asylum seekers in Australia eligible for refugee assessment and waiting for final determination, most of whom are living in communities on bridging visa. About a quarter of that number live in NSW, mostly in Sydney’s west and south-west.


Under the Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (SHEV) scheme announced by the Premier, eligible asylum seekers will be able to apply to reside in NSW — excluding Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong — for five years, on the condition that they live and work in a country area.


 “This is good news for regional NSW as it will help provide labour in our regions while providing longer term security for these asylum seekers,” Baird said.


While there is no promise of permanent residency, asylum seekers will be able to apply for onshore visas granted they stay off welfare for a minimum of three-and-a-half years.  Those choosing to live in the city will give up to right to apply for an onshore visa and apply for a three-year Temporary Protection Visa instead.


NSW’s introduction of the SHEV scheme is pending final agreement with the federal government, and a memorandum of understanding is being negotiated that will cover the cost of support services for visa holders, Guardian Australia was told.

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection website does not provide details on how to apply for a SHEV, indicating only that information will be made available. It does not include family reunion or re-entry to Australia provisions.


For additional information on the Temproary Protection Visas (TPV) and Safe Haven Enterprise Visas (SHEV) follow this link: TPV-and-SHEV-briefing.pdf (


Source: Migration Alliance

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Swinburne International Postgraduate Loyalty Scholarship

Scholarships are now available to students graduating from a Swinburne bachelor program who apply to study a Master’s by coursework program at Swinburne in semester 2 2015 or semester 1 or 2, 2016.



Scholarships are valued at 10% of the annual tuition fee for the duration of the postgraduate program.


Courses eligible

Any Master’s program at Swinburne.


Eligibility / selection criteria

·         Students must be 2015 graduates of a Swinburne bachelor degree

·         Students must be eligible for an offer for a Master by coursework program

·         Students must commence their eligible Masters program in 2015 or 2016

·         Students must accept the scholarship offer within 2 weeks of offer date, if the offer is unconditional

·         Students who hold a conditional offer must accept their offer immediately after meeting their condition

·         Students must not be:

o    a citizen or permanent resident of Australia

o    in receipt of another form of scholarship or reduced fee arrangement

·         Standard course progression rules apply. Scholarships will cease for students who fail a unit of study

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