Migration Regulations and Citizenship Regulations amendments

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Migration Regulations and Citizenship Regulations amendments

Select Legislative Instrument 2014 No 163 – F2014L01461 – Migration Legislation Amendment (2014 Measures No. 2) Regulation 2014 – the purpose of this amendment is to amend the Migration Regulations 1994 and the Australian Citizenship Regulations 2007.

The following amendments are made to the Migration Regulations:

Exempt persons who were minors at the time an application was refused on PIC 4020 grounds from being subject to the exclusion period applied due to that refusal.
Subclass 400 Temporary Work (Short Stay) – extend both the entry period and the stay from 3 months to 6 months.
Allows the Minister to authorise the disclosure of certain information, including personal identifiers, which is currently disclosed to the AFP, state and territory police, to be disclosed to the CrimTrac Agency.
Allow student visa applicants enrolled in Advanced Diploma courses with an approved education provider to access streamlined visa processing and extend this SVP the Vocational Education and Training sector.
Amend the definition of ‘financial institution’ for all student visas to clarify both, the financial institution and the prudential regime under which it operates, to meet the prudential assurance criteria.
Makes changes to the automated processing systems for persons departing Australia.

The following amendments are made to the Citizenship Regulations:

Adds a reference to a person who has been adopted in accordance with a bilateral agreement to allow those persons to be granted citizenship in accordance with the Citizenship Act.
Allow Nigerian local currency to be used to pay fees for an application made under the Citizenship Act in a foreign country.

Various commencement dates are provided for each amendment in this Instrument.

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